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The Sky is full of Gold

An audiovisual curation with the Waltham Forest Tamil Sangam 

An audiovisual curation 

Waltham Forest Tamil Sangam 


Borough of Culture 2019

Greater London Authority  

In the summer of 2021, we worked with the Waltham Forest Tamil Sangam to curate an exceptional audiovisual art piece with local artist Jude Greenaway. Jude had been responsible for masterminding the projections onto the town hall as part of the London Borough of Culture opening ceremony in 2019. They set up their RAAGAAS group in 1993 to share the Tamil culture through music within the community and to the wider public. Music Hall had spent a few years developing a good working relationship with the local Tamil Sangam. 

The RAAGAAS group and Jude performed their creation as part of the E17 Art Trail. We had sold-out shows, attracting audiences from in and out outside of the borough. This kind of project is front and centre of what we do. We work with underrepresented communities and cultures. We have them collaborate with world-class artists. We amplify audience engagement. Most of all,  we introduce new cultures, sights, and sounds to people who may never have experienced these before. We work with local communities to break down perceived barriers, ensuring these projects are part of central programming, and not mere tokens. 

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